3-day hike in gorgeous Svaneti, Mestia to Iprali, Georgia
€ 100 - 250
If you are into nature, hiking and local culture, then this one is for you!
What you will see: stunning meadows filled with vibrant wildflowers, epic mountain ranges, a glacier and waterfalls surrounded by lush green forest.
Where you will stay: there are guesthouses in each of the small villages, so you don't need to carry any camping gear. Expect no luxuries, but basic comfort and yummy home-cooked meals!
Day 1 - Mestia to Zhabeshi (17km)
Day 2 - Zhabeshi to Adishi (11km)
Day 3 - Adishi to Iprali (20km)
The hike between Mestia and Ushguli is only passable from July until October. We went the last week of September, hoping for warm temperatures, but fewer crowds.
Even though this meant a lot of the little cafés along the way were already closed for the season, it also turned out to be the perfect time to witness the valley alive with vibrant autumn colours!
One of the highlights of the hike was witnessing the Adishi glacier - so incredible to see the bright white glacier in the midst of lush greenery!
Once you reach the glacier, there is also an icy cold river you need to cross in order to continue the hike, with the option of taking of your shoes and baring the cold or instead hopping on a horse to guide you across with the help of locals.
Can truly recommend! (more details in my published holiday)