Hidden amidst lush landscapes of Hue, lies an abandoned water park. Once vibrant, it now stands in decay, reclaimed by nature. The water park was constructed in the early 2000s and boasted water slides, pools, and a massive dragon-shaped structure. What's left today is a little less glamorous, but all the more exciting! Despite its ambitious plans, the park struggled financially and eventually closed, leaving behind a surreal landscape. Since its closure, it has attracted curious visitors from all over the world, including... us!
The thing you'll see first when you enter the premises is the towering dragon structure standing proudly in the water. Climb to the top for a spectacular view of the park! But what we liked most was our visit to the remnants of water slides. The slides are still intact, although we don't recommend going on them as you might come across a surprise in the water. ;-)
To get to the abandoned water park, it's just a short ride of 8 kilometers from Hue's city center. Google Maps will guide you to the entrance road marked "Thủy Tiên". But here's the fun part: although technically off-limits, the locals have their ways! You might encounter some makeshift fee collectors along the way, asking for a small parking, entry fee, or just selling drinks. It's all part of the adventure and adds a bit of local flavor to your visit!